Open letter to my sisters

  To my sisters, I know this is probably something you guys will find super cheesy and whatnot, but I just want to show and express my love for you two. I know we see each other every other day but I truly do miss you guys and all the dumb shit you guys alwaysContinueContinue reading “Open letter to my sisters”

“Marriage is hard”​

First and foremost let me start by saying  I am not a professional nor a specialist in the matter, but I am a wife and it’s close enough LOL. Marriage is hard. No, really it is so “hard.” When I lived at home it was so nice. Sure I had rules, mandated chores, and aContinueContinue reading ““Marriage is hard”​”

​The broken road. . .

  Have you ever had your heart so broken that you probably thought you would never be able to recover? I’ve been reflecting on what has been of my life recently and what I always imagined it would be like. During teen years I believe we have a good amount of heartbreak. Either caused byContinueContinue reading “​The broken road. . .”


As I think about all the things I wanted to accomplish and things I’ve already have. I can’t help but think to myself, did I do it in the wrong order? Is there even a correct order for things to be done? School, work, save money, get engaged, get married, buy a home and build aContinueContinue reading “Timeline”

Life is too short . .

Memories and love is all that are left of us when we leave this world. We won’t take anything with us. All the materialistic stuff and all the money we have will stay behind. We will only take all our memories, regrets and dreams along. Our families will be left with everything that once matterContinueContinue reading “Life is too short . .”

Too much love

Is there a thing as loving too much? Or caring too much about someone? Could too much love or attention hurt someone rather than help them? In any relationship should love and attentions be measured? How much love is too little or too much? Personally in my own life I am a strong lover. IContinueContinue reading “Too much love”

5 Things you wish you knew before you got married.

1. Love is not ENOUGH to sustain a healthy marriage. Loving each other immensely is very important, but just love it self will not hold your marriage together. Marriage requires time, attention and love. Think of your marriage as a plant. Plants require nurture, water and sun. You can’t expect your plant to survive if you don’tContinueContinue reading “5 Things you wish you knew before you got married.”

Choosing love

Love over everything. Decision making hasn’t always been my strength. I over think everything literally EVERYTHING, but I’ve made the decisions to choose love always. These past few days I’ve had to make some changes and decisions in my life. I’ve been trying to remove myself from toxic situations and toxic people. I’ve been tryingContinueContinue reading “Choosing love”


Do you ever just feel like you haven’t grown enough? Or you grew to fast? Growing is such a complex word that can be used in various ways. You can grow in your faith, grow in your career and grow out of love and grow in love. These past few days and months have beenContinueContinue reading “Growing”